
Intraday Liquidity Management: The operational imperative to address market uncertainties

Asia Risk and SmartStream gathered an expert panel of treasury and liquidity management specialists from global and regional banks. The panel examined the challenges in intraday liquidity management from various angles.
Determining the right level of intraday liquidity is an operational challenge. Holding a too-large buffer versus a too-small one can result in a suboptimal outcome and have a cost element. Banks need to manage liquidity and, in particular, intraday liquidity, in order to control their buffers more closely – because of the opportunity cost involved in keeping high levels of liquidity buffers.

Download this whitepaper and find out more about:

  • Economic impacts and regulatory requirements on intraday liquidity management
  • How banks optimise their day-to-day liquidity management and stress testing process
  • The availability of cloud, AI and machine learning – to predict liquidity needs, as well as optimise settlement aspects and intraday liquidity measurement
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