No. 1 Collateral Management Event in Europe
Key Topics & Takeaways
- Looking to the Future: The State of the Global Collateral Management & Securities Finance
- Regulatory Update: Changing Rules, Global Standards and Reporting Efficiency
- Managing Lending Programs in a Rising Interest Rate Environment
- Collateral Management and Optimization
- The UMR Journey along the Collateral Runway
- Pre-trade Optimization to Minimize Future Collateral Requirements
- Reflecting on the Past, Preparing for the Future
- Innovative Approaches to Collateral Management and Reinvestment in Lending and Repo
- Exploring Disruptive Technology Platforms & Alternative Trading Models
- Opportunities and Challenges for Buy-Side
- Increasing Efficiency and Automation in the Derivatives Market
- Predicting Key Market Drivers for 2024 and Beyond
11:30 Collateral Outsourcing in the Current Environment – Fit for Purpose? – with Nicholas Dominy, Business Development Director for Collateral Management at SmartStream
- Does it meet the demands and expectations of underlying clients
- Is the technology deployed fit for purpose?
- How can automation help the bottom line and increase client satisfaction?
- What’s next for Outsourcing
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