
Managed Services in 2021: Poised for Lift-Off

The outsourcing of mission-critical business processes, together with non-competitive and often labor-intensive activities, has been an important feature of the capital markets for at least the last three decades. Outsourcing trends have been spurred on by market conditions that have continued to reshape the industry since the global financial crisis of 2007–08, by new technologies that are radically changing the outsourcing landscape, and by the growing maturity of solutions. The Covid-19 pandemic and work-from-home rules for large portions of the international workforce have also acted as catalysts for change, driving increased growth in the adoption of cloud-based and delivered solutions in particular.

This research report sheds light on current and future outsourcing trends that are likely to shape the capital markets, including:

  • Why cost reduction and efficiencies aren’t the only outsourcing drivers prevalent today
  • The business functions that are most commonly outsourced and why
  • How cloud will become integral to the managed services business model
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